If you vote tomorrow, Starbucks will give you a free cup of coffee.
WWSPD (What would Sarah Palin do)...about that? Take a swipe at elitist, Starbucks-sipping voters?
Or maybe not...we know she favors Starbucks Mochas based on her stump rhetoric:
Even though that's not what Albright really said...insert "help" where Palin said "support" which puts a different spin on it.
But hey, Starbucks isn't just a cultural indicator, it's increasingly referred to as an economic indicator.
Salon notes that you don't need to chart foreclosures or rising unemployment to know how badly the economy is really tanking...you just watch how many Americans are "cutting back on their morning lattes at Starbucks."
On Halloween The Motley Fool named Starbucks the World's Scariest Stock due in part to "a bone-chilling outlook for consumer discretionary spending."
But why stop at the US economy? Slate's Daniel Gross has a theory that there is "a close correlation between a country having a significant Starbucks presence, especially in its financial capital, and major financial cock-ups," er...meltdowns.
Hmm...I'll have to think about that over my free Starbucks coffee tomorrow.